Tuesday, July 19, 2011

To conjure & revive old spirits & other blogs

The worst thing about being able to write, is to come back to it some time later and read, and realize that, not only is it not bad writing, but its actually good, well the worst thing about it all - is that - all time spent not writing feels like this great mass of wasted opportunity; a time that will be accounted for on some great day of judgement; which is of course is a self-prescribed hell. Kind of similar to the exactness of now; sitting here being in this time and place, feeling sorry for oneself, writing away about how hard the writing is and how shittily the time wasted has been spent. Swallowing at every re-reading and re-sentencing. The desire for cigarettes and alcohol suddenly making perfect sense.

I wonder if she's looking for that blue smeared paint brush, theres still the smell of her hair on it, and the turpentine. Every things getting dark, too dark to see, like in the song...


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