Monday, January 12, 2009

The Joker RIP

Great that Ledger won Golden Globes. Rourke winning the lead is great too. The Dark Knight and The Wrestler are the two best movies I have seen last year followed by Slumdog. Curious Case is flawed though stunning in flashes. Slumdog is brilliant the first half but loses grip as it closes in on climax. Great camera work and editing gives it an edge aside from narration. The Dark Knight is the true masterpiece at all levels. Piss off Globes, come the next big thing.


Pradeep Rajendran said...

I like in Slumdog how he sits in all that money. Haven't seen BenjaminButton or The wrestler yet. I think what hits me about the dark knght more than anything else is the dialogs. The Joker's got all the good lines...

Ahimaz said...

In a Gaiman's short story called A Black and White World, you find The Joker and Batman to be actors rehearsing their lines behind the curtain. The play is over and they both head home as friends and constumes very much intact. Joker says to Batman "You get the best panels," to which Batman replies "You get the best lines." I think in the movie during their confrontation Batman literally completes Joker as in the rescue of Rachel "then you're gonna love me" to "a little fight in you; I like that."

Now that the Oscar nominations are out and with The Curious Case leading it, which it certainly doesn't a wee bit deserve, I hope Slumdog does a globes again because it deserves it.

A quote to console me:

The only place that you seem to find anything of any value is at the margins of any of these cultures, at the fringes of pop and of cinema and comics and books. That's where the real action's going on, not in the kind of Oscar-winning or Booker-prize winning enclave - Alan Moore

Pradeep Rajendran said...

Very Interesting thing to say, Alan Moore.